The JIPM TPM Award See the revisions planned for 2025 --> Revision of TPM Excellence Awards
Introduction to TPM -- Click here to see the 2022 TPM Award winners
-- Click here to see the 2023 TPM Award winners
TPM, as defined by the JIPM, stands for Total Productive Maintenance. If you have heard of the TPM awards and want to learn more about how it works in America, this information can help you get started. Many American Manufacturing companies are already applying the principles of Lean manufacturing, which includes many of the TPM tools, such as Total Quality Management and the Toyota Production systems, but for one reason or another, they typically see TPM as a single element of machine care. TPM, as defined by the JIPM, is a holistic approach across all areas of a manufacturing facility, working to find and eliminate losses. Every department, from order entry and engineering to production scheduling and logistics, has defined responsibility within TPM.
Requirements to apply for the award
To apply for the first TPM award (note you can apply for either a "Category B" or "Category A" Award) you will need to meet the following requirements:
1) Award for TPM Excellence, Category B (Note the Category B award is planned to be eliminated in 2026) See the Revision of TPM Excellence Awards
Must have a minimum of 2 years or more of achievement activity after the introduction of TPM
Must have deployed activity based on five pillars of TPM focusing on the production site
Must have completed Step 4 for autonomous maintenance activity
Must have completed infrastructure development for TPM activity with both tangible and intangible achievements obtained
2) Award for TPM Excellence, Category A
Must have a minimum of 3 years or more of achievement activity after the introduction of TPM
Must have deployed activity based on all eight pillars of TPM by all staff members of the plants/factories
Must have completed Step 4 for autonomous maintenance activity
Must have completed infrastructure development for TPM activity with both tangible and intangible achievements obtained
Maintenance or Management?
Although TPM stands for Total Productive Maintenance, I prefer to call it Total Productive Management. TPM is an acronym for what is translated as Total Productive Maintenance. The better word is “Management”. So, I prefer to call TPM by its real meaning: Total Productive Management. In America, we think of maintenance as the practice of fixing things or making sure they don’t break. In Japan, they think in terms of Improvement or Kaizen.
What is the TPM Award?
The award is presented to roughly 100 company locations by the JIPM every year. As of 2022, they had presented over 3,400 awards around the world, and 95 were to plants in the United States.
The “TPM Excellence Award" examines and awards business sites in Japan and overseas that have achieved results through the use of TP. TPM is an important part of the development of Japanese industry. The TPM award is not given to an entire company but can only be earned by a single location or campus of sites.
Until 1993, most of the awards were presented only to Japanese companies, but starting in 1993, a significant number of awards were presented to companies outside of Japan, with only 1 or 2 in the USA each year. In 2019, 33 awards were awarded to companies outside of Japan and only one in the USA.
The TPM awards are issued by the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) in Japan. The awards focus on the body of knowledge built over the years in Japan from World War II forward. The award process includes a rigorous audit process and review by experts from Japan to determine if your organization understands the concepts and tools of TPM. The award covers six levels of achievement; each level is a step higher than the final award. It typically takes multiple years to reach World Class TPM Achievement.
TPM awards were established in 1964 to encourage factories to develop remarkable achievements in manufacturing. The original award was called the PM Excellence Award. In 1971, the awarding criteria were changed, and the PM Excellence Award became the TPM Excellence Award. In response to further advancements, the definition of TPM was refined in 1989. TPM now encompasses the entire company from the shop floor to the executive boardroom, creating a true companywide commitment to production excellence. As a result, factories that have achieved company-wide efficiency by adopting company-wide TPM are presented with the award.
Cost of the TPM Award
This is difficult to answer because of the internal cost of training, consulting, and learning activities. But the raw number which is only based on the JIPM Fees and related costs can be found in the Application Outline for the 2024 TPM Awards and is roughly about $30,000
Assessment fee per day (~$10,000) The first award is two full days and must be done in two trips separated by roughly six months. Portal to-portal travel fees from Japan (Business class flights) for each assessor (~$3,000) Hotel and meal accommodations ($300)
The TPM Award Application Outline from JIPM
You can download a book (Application Outline for 2024 TPM Awards) from JIPM that includes detailed information on the award process. In the Application Outline you will learn about how to apply for the JIPM awards. There are six levels of the TPM award, all the way up to World Class TPM Achievement.
If you are new to the Awards, The most important thing now is to see the final section 6 Reference in the Application Outline that gives you five (5) key checklists of things that must be achieved by your organization to receive the award. Checklist C (2 pages) is the baseline (and only the beginning) that you should look at carefully because I am certain you want to have them in your company. If you have them all, then I would be very impressed. But if you do not, I bet that you would love to know how to achieve it.
–. See page 40 in the document for Checklist C Application Outline 2024.pdf
Here is an abbreviated table of contents for the Application outline
Introduction & Foreword
Application Outline & principles
Application Outline
TPM Award Categories Since FY 2008
Main Assessment Principles
Other points
Withdrawal Form (Sample)
Document Submission Schedule and forms
Assessment Fees and Other Associated Costs
Preparing for the Assessment
Reference Documents and checklists
The checklists
Besides the baseline Checklist C, there are four other checklist
Assessment Criteria for All Categories of TPM Award – Prerequisites for Implementation.
Basic responsibilities of business management
Checklist C
Award for TPM Excellence - Category B
Award for TPM Excellence - Category A
Award for Excellence in Consistent TPM Commitment
Checklist B - Special Award for TPM Achievement
Checklist A - Advanced Special Award for TPM Achievement
Checklist S - Award for World-class TPM Achievement
in 2023 JIPM created a new Self Checklist to be used to see if you are ready to apply.
Required minimum scores for the assessment
Award for TPM Excellence, Category A must score a minimum of 7o% on Checklist C
Award for Excellence in Consistent TPM Commitment must score a minimum of 80% on Checklist C.
Special Award for TPM Achievement must score a minimum of 70% on Checklist B.
Advanced Special Award for TPM Achievement must score a minimum of 80% on Checklist A.
Award for World-class TPM Achievement must score a minimum of 80% on Checklist S.
USA Consultants for TPM
Although I am sure that there are many Lean Consultants who will be able to help you with TPM in the USA, there are far fewer companies that can help you pursue the JIPM TPM Award. According to the JIPM website, there are only a few consultants that they list as qualified for TPM Consulting. Listed below are the three that are listed by JIPM and can provide support in English.
JMA Consultants Inc. (Mainly in Asia, but they have USA support personnel in strategic locations)
SMMT Industry Forum Ltd (Support from the UK) One representative from SMMT served as a JIPM assessor with another Sr. assessor for our formal TPM Award assessment.
EFESO Consulting Is headquartered in France, with an office in New York, New York. They have reps located in the USA. We worked with them on several aspects of TPM, and they specialize in a system referred to as WCOM (World Class Operations Management), but they have a firm understanding of TPM per the JIPM.